KEstis Calling

I was just an only child of the universe.

Rules & Guidelines

Please read carefully and please shoot an ask if you have any questions :)

About & Headcanons

Important information about Cal.

Verses & AUs

AUs, crossovers, different universes, etc.

Rules & Guidelines

Intro.My name is F. I’m nonbinary, I prefer xe/xir or they/them pronouns. I’m over 25 and I live with my husband and our cats. I have no kids and that is not going to change any time soon. I have been a roleplayer for over 15 years, I’ve taken a long break from tumblr but now I’m back. I have other hobbies including writing fanfiction, watching anime, and doing misc crafts like bracelets and keychains. I draw sometimes but I’m not very good so that’s a “just for me” hobby. I’m disabled, I have chronic pain so sometimes I just won’t be here, but otherwise I am available.Now let’s dive into the rules!Knowledge.I have yet to read Cal’s book but I will be once I get my hands on it. I’ve played over 200 hours of JFO and at the time of creating this blog, JS isn’t out yet but I will most likely have quite a few hours in that as well. For Star Wars as a whole, I have watched pretty much everything multiple times and probably will for the rest of my life. Mando is my favourite show, just btw. Din Djarin RPers, hit me up I will stan you forever.Duplicates.
I am 100% fine with dupes! Give me Cal-twin shenans. I will generally read your rules first to see if you're okay with dupes (if you're a multi I may follow anyway since.. Multi..), and while shenanigans are not mandatory, I am perfectly fine following, interacting with, and just doing some silly stuff with my fellow Kestis clan.
Triggers + NSFW.I don’t really reblog triggery items, if I do there will be basic warnings such as “blood” or a simple “nsfw” if something is nsfw. I use fancy tags but there will always be a basic warning tag in there somewhere to be easily blocked. My own triggers are my own, I will not be sharing them, but they are not very common so it will not be a problem. If I need something tagged, I will quietly approach and ask.Shipping + SmutShipping is fine, but I’m not really a smut writer outside my fanfic. I just get nervous with people watching LMAO. But for real, shipping is fine. Cal is an open book but we need to have chemistry with it. Otherwise, he’s just a really good friend and tries his best.Following + SelectivityI try to keep a clean dash and keep my following on the lower end (under 300) because sometimes there’s just too much to keep up with. On the bright side, once I follow I’m pretty much there until you get rid of me or until I see drama. I am not here for drama, I’m just here to write with others and make friends.Also: in my time I’ve seen people with rule “passwords”, I don’t have that and I don’t send them, but you can bet I have read your rules at least 3 times before following or interacting with you. I always want to be sure of who I’m following before I follow them.Interaction + Start CallsI like to try and have interactions be a paragraph or two long at minimum, I’m not really a one liner type of thitch. I’m very slow however due to my chronic issues. I will try my best to get things out in a timely manner, but if it’s been a week and you haven’t heard from me, please just give me a poke!
For starter calls, I do my best to keep track of everything and everyone, so again, if it's been a week+ and we aren’t in contact/discussion, please just poke me :)
Also I live for AUs and crossovers. Hit Me Up With That Shit.Hate + DramaI am ANTI-HARASSMENT. That means I do not give a flying fuck what someone does as long as they aren’t hurting anyone in real life. If that bothers you, do not follow me. I am not big on discourse, I hate what things have turned to, and I am not going to be a part of any discussions of that nature. If that upsets you, please just block me and be done with it.This is one of the few reasons I will block/unfollow someone and I do not care, do not start anything with me because it will not get far. Also if you want to send me anon hate, please do so in the form of a haiku, I want to see some talent and spice in the insults.Inbox Memes + Magic AnonsI don’t know if magic anons are still a thing, but they were when I last RP’d. Needless to say, I don’t do those. No hate, I just don’t vibe with them.For inbox memes, I tend to hoard them for later. They usually will be held for queue filling or rainy days, but sometimes I answer them right away. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see your post! I might just be holding on to it.I also expect reblog karma: if you intend to reblog a meme from me, then you have to send me one. It would be nice if it happened because I tend to reciprocate more for people who engage in the practice and their answers come out more often.Misc.All icons and screenshots are made by me. I take my own screenshots of Cal and have like a billion of them from every play I do. Everything I make is by me, myself, and I. If I use other things, credits will be given/listed here.
I have bad chronic pain and am disabled, so I may disappear every now and then for a time. It’s because I am tired and recovering from just existing. I have a lot of pain and issues, I am an ambulatory wheelchair user so that means sometimes I need a wheelchair to get around. This is just to paint a picture of how bad my pain is sometimes.
I really am friendly, I know my rules seem like a lot but I am friendly! Please don’t be afraid to approach me or discuss any issues you may have if any arise. I know I can be a little abrasive sometimes and my mouth (or fingers) move faster than my brain, but I really try to be as friendly as possible. Just let me know if I say something too off-color for you and I will do my best to never repeat the mistake.I have a discord but I am very private about sharing it. Once I feel like I can trust you, I will be willing to share my discord for chatting, but otherwise, it is not on the table.If you’ve gotten this far, you’re amazing. Thank you for reading my rules :~)

About & HEadcanons

AGE: 18-23
SPECIES: Human-Miraluka mix.
KNOWN LANGUAGES: Fluent: Basic, Binary, Huttese.
HEIGHT: 182 cm / 6ft
WEIGHT: 86 kg / 190 lbs.
BODY SHAPE: Thin / Lean
EQUIPMENT: Handmade Lightsaber
MENTAL CONDITIONS: PTSD, depression, anxiety.
ZODIAC: Aquarius.
TEMPERAMENT: Phlegmatic.
ENNEAGRAM: Type 2: The Helper.
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good.
STRENGTH: ■■■□□□□
SPEED: ■■■■■■□
+ Curious
+ Gentle
+ Peppy
- Anxious
- Impulsive
- Meek
-------------------------------------------IMPORTANT HEADCANONS- Cal is half Miraluka. His father was a Miraluka Jedi who left the order for someone he loved (human mother). They lived on Bespin until Cal was born, very Force sensitive. Jaro Tapal had been a close friend to Cal’s father, and as a favour to him, agreed to take him and train him.- Cal’s psychometry abilities come from him being half Miraluka. While it wasn’t impossible to receive the ability any other way, it comes from his father.- Cal’s eyesight is perfectly normal, but as he gets older his eyes will begin to fade until he goes completely blind.- Cal is trans.- More tba but these are the most important ones.

AUs & Verses

Please check out my page on my tumblr!